


Scenario Report 2040 - Version 2022 - Public Consultation

Consultation on the Scenario Report 2040 to be used for the future development of the electrical energy grid of Luxembourg

- Public Consultation -


Secure, efficient and sustainable electric transmission and distribution grids are essential for the future development of Luxembourg and a prerequisite to achieve national environmental targets and European climate protection goals by integrating additional renewable energies.

The planning of a sustainable, future-proof electrical infrastructure becomes more and more challenging due to the uncertainties of future economic, social and environmental developments. The transition to a post-carbon society will lead to fundamental changes in the economic/industry, mobility/transport and domestic sectors and it will have a significant impact on the future energy infrastructures and especially the electrical grids.

Higher power demands and electricity consumptions have been identified in consequence of the expected increase of the Luxembourgish population and economy, the switch from fossil fuels to electricity for mobility and heating purposes and due to an increased demand by new services and industries.

In order to stay in line with the EU-targets concerning a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the electrical grids must be adapted consequently to accommodate an increasing electricity generation from renewable energies and a growing number of electric vehicles and heat pumps.

Creos Luxembourg developed and analysed different possible scenarios up to the year 2040 based on the current version of Luxembourg’s integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP LU), on former reports and own assumptions. The scenarios outline different possible paths towards a post-carbon energy system in line with EU targets and the national development objectives defined by the government.

All the analysed forecast scenarios show a growth of the grid loads up to 2040 despite a certain degree of electrical storage capacity and even with enabled flexibilities on the demand side, such as smart charging systems, demand-side management or flexible control of heat pumps. As a result, there is a pressing need to increase the electrical energy import and transmission capacity of the Creos high voltage grid. The further development of the transmission grid and regional reinforcements are necessary, despite significant efforts to improve energy efficiency and a more extensive use of renewable energies.

Based on the Scenario Report 2040 Creos will further assess the future infrastructure development requirements and include the needed projects in its grid planning.
Between 15 March 2023 and 14 April 2023 (inclusive) Creos will run a public consultation on the proposed scenarios.

To conclude, Creos would like to highlight that the security of supply and the reliability of the networks are Creos’ core objectives. Efficient, flexible and secure transmission / distribution networks are essential for a reliable supply of electrical energy.

The related "Project 380" foresees several measures to ensure this supply in the future. The project represents a new, future-oriented replacement construction that provides a better cross-border connection between Luxembourg and Germany.
More information concerning the "Project 380" are available here: www.creos.net/380

15 March 2023 – 15 April 2023 (inclusive – 18h00)

Document for consultation:
The document for consultation is the Scenario Report 2040 (dated 10 March 2023) prepared by Creos Luxembourg. The figures used for the scenario report represent the latest available data.

Expected contribution:
With this consultation Creos Luxembourg is looking forward to gather the public opinion on the approach, assumptions and results presented in the Scenario Report 2040.

Where to send your contribution:
Please send your contribution and comments before the 14 April 2023 18h00 at latest to following email address: consultation@creos.net - Object: Scenario Report 2040

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