… amended aFRRIF. Page 21 of 42 PUBLIC Decision No 15/2022 (89) Confidentiality of information gained through the operation of the European platforms: Article 21(3)(e)(ii) of the EB Regulation requires…
… oversight, in particular of transparent and traceable costs. (89) Confidentiality of information gained through the operation of the European platforms: Article 22(3)(e)(ii) of the EB Regulation requires…
… (87) ACER considers that SEM could benefit from the experience of other TSOs of the rest of Europe gained with the European platforms until the connection of new interconnectors. Furthermore, as explained in…
… of the approach until proper tools have been developed and operational experience has been gained by the Core TSOs. Therefore, the Core TSOs would be able to validate and influence the initially…
… 2018. The DA SEC Methodology was approved by all regulatory authorities by 19 March 2019. (3) Having gained experience from the multi-NEMO arrangements (‘MNA’), TSOs have identified improvements that could be…
… pot is distributed to borders of the zone that applies the allocation constraint which would have gained congestion income if there were no allocation constraints. (60) It is ACER understanding that if the…
… Resource Adequacy Assessment Methodology13. iii. Be progressively implemented based on experienced gained from upcoming ERAAs and BZRs. Interpretation of the results: i. As far as technically possible, the…
… to the development of the internal market in electricity. They should draw on the experience gained, respect the decisions made, and use solutions developed as part of those projects. (26) In order to…
… should be amended in order to extend the scope to intraday timeframe once sufficient clarity is gained on how congestion income in the intraday timeframe will be created. (5) The CD methodology is…
… margins, the first real calculation can only be done after some operational experience is gained with the application of this methodology. For generation shift keys, TSOs also need some operational…