Power outages

We are committed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to transporting and distributing all the electricity you need. Security of supply is our priority.

Despite all our commitment, some power cuts are unfortunately unavoidable. If you experience a power cut, don't hesitate to contact our Breakdown & Emergency Service on 8002-9900.


What are the most common causes of a power outage?

In the event of a power failure, our priority is to restore the energy supply as quickly as possible. In most cases, our dispatchers can take rapid action remotely from the control room by manoeuvring the network. In other cases, a team has to be dispatched to the site, which extends the response time.

Any power failure reported in a municipality does not necessarily affect the entire municipality.

The exact causes of a power cut are often not known until later. Nevertheless, most outages are due to the following causes:

  • Damage to a cable during excavation work with a digger
  • Short-circuit caused by an animal on an electrical installation at a substation
  • Adverse weather conditions such as falling branches or trees on a power line
  • Technical failure due to faulty equipment
  • Road accident in which a vehicle damages an electrical installation


Any power outage reported in a municipality does not necessarily affect the entire territory of the municipality.

No power outages
have been reported in the last 7 days.

What to do in the event of a power outage?

Check the residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) in your electrical installation
If the circuit breaker is in position 0 (off), set it back to position I (on).
Check the limiters (main switches) in your electrical installation
If one or more limiters are in position 0 (off), set them back to position I (on).
Check the circuit breakers in your switchboard
If one of the circuit breakers is in position 0 (off), set it back to position I (on).
Check your smart meter
If your indicator light is on and the message "Appuyer pour reconnecter" appears, press the green button for 5 seconds.
Breakdown and emergency service
If the power does not come back on and your neighbours are in the same situation as you, it is a general power cut. Creos teams will do their best to restore the power supply as quickly as possible.

If you need help, please contact our breakdown and emergency service number 8002-9900.