Creos Luxembourg S.A. operates the electricity and natural gas networks in Luxembourg. The company employs more than 890 people and is part of the Encevo group.
Since the liberalisation of the energy markets, a distinction has been made between network activities, i.e. the infrastructure needed to transport and distribute electricity and natural gas, and commercial activities, i.e. production, purchase and sale. The latter are subject to competition, while the infrastructure remain a natural monopoly.
Access to the networks is guaranteed to all suppliers on transparent and equal terms. This access and the associated tariffs are monitored by a regulating authority, the Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation (ILR), which controls network tariffs and ensures that network operators fulfil their public service obligations and invest in the networks to guarantee security of supply.
Creos is responsible for the planning, construction, maintenance and operation of the high, medium and low voltage electricity networks and the high, medium and low pressure natural gas pipelines that it owns or has been entrusted with the management of. The networks managed by Creos include 12,280 km of electricity lines and 2,200 km of natural gas pipelines, as well as more than 317,000 electricity customers and around 50,000 natural gas customers. Creos also manages and reads meters, processes customer consumption data and invoices network access fees.
As an electricity and gas network operator, Creos fulfils its responsibility as a public utility and plans its infrastructure to meet the changing demand for electricity and gas. Security of supply and reliability of the energy networks are central to Creos' concerns.
To serve the public, we ensure security of energy supply by developing and digitalizing efficient grids and services in a sustainable manner. Our employees dedicate their talents to contribute to a successful energy transition for all customers and suppliers, aligned with our core values and a commitment to equal treatment.
Respect, team spirit, commitment and excellence characterise its daily work.
Mario Grotz
Chairman and Managing Director
Creos Luxembourg S.A.
Laurence Zenner
Managing Director and CEO
Creos Luxembourg S.A.
Mario Grotz
Yinghao Han
Gaston Bohnenberger
Doris Engel
Françoise Gaasch
André Hansen
Xavier Hansen
Na Huang
Patrick Juchem
Pierre Kremer
Thierry Kuffer
Daniel Liebermann
Sandra Mathes
Luis Pinto
Frank Reimen
Christiane Schaul
Yingpeng Shi
Laurent Vanetti
David Viaggi
Gilbert Zahles
Laurence Zenner
Simeon Hagspiel