Balancing coordinator


Balancing contract

To be able to inject or withdraw electrical energy in the Luxembourg control area, you need a balance perimeter. The balance contract (Bilanzkreisvertrag) enables the balance responsible party to assume responsibility for one or more balance perimeter(s) and to make these operations possible.

The Balance Responsible Entity is a natural or legal person responsible for balancing a set of injections and withdrawals in a control area. This person must hold a supply licence or meet the conditions set out in article of the Manual describing the balance perimeter system.

The balance contract defines the economic, technical and operational responsibilities of the Balance Responsible Entity. It also determines the procedures for drawing up balancing balances, invoicing procedures, relationships, obligations, as well as the exchange and formats of data for the exchange of electrical energy between the Balance Coordinator and the Balance Responsible Entity. It must be concluded prior to any supply of electrical energy and falls within the regulatory framework set by the Manual describing the system of balancing perimeters in the Luxembourg control area.

Manual describing the balance perimeter system

The amended law of 1 August 2007 specifies that the Balance Coordinator is required to draw up, in collaboration with the Regulator, a manual describing the balance perimeter system.

This manual defines the system for nominating injections and withdrawals, and for accounting for them and for discrepancies. It also defines the various nomination and renomination procedures and deadlines, as well as the types and formats of data to be transmitted between the various parties.

The manual describing the system of balance perimeters in the Luxembourg control area is contractually linked to the balance contract.

The final revised version of the manual describing the system of balance perimeters dated 25 June 2014 (Revised N°: 08) has been approved by the Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation and can be downloaded via the link below.

Documents to download

Contrat d'équilibre

1.1 MB

Manuel décrivant le système des périmètres d'équilibre

1 MB

Provision of balancing power (Regelleistung)

Since electrical energy cannot be stored, each kWh consumed must be produced at the precise moment it is consumed. What's more, every kWh produced must reach the end customer for consumption without interruption. Any deviation will have an influence on the voltage and frequency stability.

Creos Luxembourg S.A. ensures that its network compensates in real time for any discrepancies that may arise between the totality of suppliers' nominations and the totality of their customers' actual consumption by adjusting the balancing power (standby power used to compensate for discrepancies in real time). The transmission system operator therefore needs exact consumption forecasts for customers connected to its networks.

The remuneration for this provision is included in the tariffs for the use of the networks managed by Creos Luxembourg S.A. The integral ¼-period of the total balancing power is equal to the total balancing energy of the zone managed by Creos Luxembourg S.A. The balancing energy is invoiced to the Balance Responsible Entity (Bilanzkreisverantwortlicher) according to the methods described below.

Adjustment energy (Ausgleichsenergie)

Balancing energy is bought and sold on the competitive market. The ¼-hourly imbalances are invoiced according to the RTP (Real Time Pricing) method, respecting the real supply costs to cover Creos Luxembourg S.A.'s overall imbalances.

However, a distinction must be made between a price for the supply of positive balancing energy and a price for negative balancing energy, depending on the balance of the transmission system operator's balance zone.

The supplier, who is "balance responsible", can group together all his customers located in the control zone managed by Creos Luxembourg S.A. and benefit from the simultaneity of all his customers. This creates a virtual balance perimeter. The supplier is responsible for the permanent coverage of power withdrawals and injections in the control area managed by Creos Luxembourg S.A.

The daily forecast programme for the balance perimeter must be sent by the supplier to the transmission system operator by 2.30 p.m. at the latest, at least 1 working day before the day to which the programme relates. The Transmission System Operator manages the daily load schedules for a balance perimeter and defines the deviations and balancing energies it has provided to compensate for these deviations.

For a given ¼-d'hour, the price per kWh of balancing energy is equal to the average of the bids used to cover imbalances in real time. As soon as they have been determined, the prices applicable per ¼-hour band will be published on the Internet in the form of a table showing the billing period that has elapsed.

The price charged for balancing energy is symmetrical. We will distinguish between the REP+ price for the supply of positive balancing energy and the REP- price for the supply of negative balancing energy. The application of REP+ or REP- prices when billing balancing energy to suppliers depends on the sign of the ¼-hourly balance of the control area.

If the total balance of the balance area is positive (need for balancing energy to compensate for the nomination deficit)

  • The REP+ price is credited if the balance perimeter is in an over-supply situation (measurement < nomination)
  • The REP+ price is billed if the balance perimeter is in an energy deficit situation (measurement > nomination)

If the total balance of the balance area is negative (energy surplus)

  • The REP- price is credited if the balance perimeter is in an over-supply situation (measurement < nomination)
  • The REP- price is invoiced if the balance perimeter is in an energy deficit situation (measurement > nomination)

The REP+ price corresponds to the weighted average of the prices of all energy supplies required to compensate for an energy deficit at the level of the network managed by Creos Luxembourg S.A. for a given ¼- hourly range.

The REP- price corresponds to the weighted average of the prices of all energy supplies required to compensate for an energy surplus at the level of the network managed by Creos Luxembourg S.A. for a given ¼-hourly range.

Tariffs for balancing energy - RTP prices (Real Time Pricing)

November 2024

83 KB

October 2024

84 KB

September 2024

87 KB

August 2024

240 KB

July 2024

239 KB

June 2024

237 KB

May 204

240 KB

April 2024

233 KB

March 2024

236 KB

February 2024

232 KB

January 2024

236 KB

RTP price archive

Consult the history of tariffs for balancing energy - RTP (Real Time Pricing) price tables

Regulations on cross-border trade in electricity

In the context of Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2003 on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity, Creos Luxembourg S.A. hereby publishes the relevant regulations:

Network structur

The transmission network managed by Creos Luxembourg S.A. is integrated into the European interconnected networks of ENTSO-E via two 220kV double lines from Amprion GmbH [D], formerly RWE Transportnetz Strom GmbH. There is no permanent interconnection with the other neighbouring networks, which are those of Elia [B] and RTE [F]. Transit energy flows can therefore only be established on the interconnection lines with the German network.

The transmission network managed by Creos Luxembourg S.A. complies with the rules imposed by national legislation and with the valid operating, planning and safety standards established jointly by the European transmission system operators associated in ENTSO-E and published on the ENTSO-E website.

Interconnection capacity

The contractual interconnection capacity in normal situation is 1700 MW.

The contractual interconnection capacity in degraded situation n-1 for the lines coming from Germany currently amounts to 980 MW. This capacity is sufficient to cover the needs of the Luxembourg public network, which has a foreseeable peak load of 770 MW.

Because there is currently no congestion on the interconnection lines with Germany, there is currently no explicit allocation mechanism for this transmission capacity. In the event of a change in circumstances leading to specific measures for the management of interconnection capacity, the arrangements adopted will be published in advance.

Interconnection capacity and safety margins are calculated according to the rules established jointly by the European Transmission System Operators associated with ENTSO-E and published on the ENTSO-E website.

Managing nominations

Energy is exchanged between market players within the Luxembourg control area (Creos Luxembourg S.A.) via balance perimeters. Any exchange of electrical energy between two balance perimeters and any exchange of electrical energy between control areas must be the subject of nominations sent to the balance coordinator by the balance responsible parties concerned.

A nomination is a provisional daily programme listing by ¼-hour period all the energy transactions of a balance perimeter with other balance perimeters. ENTSO-E (European Network System Operators for Electricity) has established a standardised nomination system for this type of data exchange (Electronic Data Interchange). This ESS (Electronic Scheduling System) defines the rules and formats to be applied in all ENTSO-E transmission networks and can be downloaded from the ENTSO-E website under the EDI Library link.

The balance manager

Article 1(45) of the amended Act of 1 August 2007 on the organisation of the electricity market defines a Balance Responsible Entity as a natural or legal person responsible for balancing a set of injections and withdrawals in a control area.

All supplies, including all injections and withdrawals of electricity, must be recorded within a balance perimeter, which must be set up and managed by a Balance Responsible Entity. These balance perimeters are used to compensate for differences between injection and consumption. The Balance Responsible Entity undertakes to guarantee the balance of its balance perimeter(s) within the limits of estimation errors. He is also economically responsible for the costs generated by the remaining imbalances.

To identify the balance perimeters, ENTSO-E has introduced a unique code valid in all ENTSO-E transmission networks, the EIC code (Energy Identification Code).


All Balance Responsible Entities must have a unique EIC code for the balance perimeter for which they are responsible. In accordance with the ENTSO-E reference manual, an EIC code is allocated via the Local Issuing Office either in the country where the Balance Responsible Entity has its registered office or in the country where it wishes to operate. Creos Luxembourg S.A. acts as the Local Issuing Office within the Luxembourg control area.

To obtain an EIC code, please fill in the application form. The EIC code is definitively allocated when it appears on the list of allocated codes.


Signing the form enables the allocation office to forward the request to ENTSO-E and entitles the data to be published on its website. If a company's name or role changes, the EIC code will remain unchanged. ENTSO-E therefore strongly recommends the use of insignificant codes to ensure the anonymity of each company.

A national EIC code, assigned by Creos Luxembourg S.A., can only be used in the Luxembourg control area.

An international EIC code, requested from the local allocation office, can be used in all ENTSO-E transport networks. It is hoped that each applicant will request only one EIC code.

EIC code request form

To obtain an EIC code, please complete the application form.

EIC Reference Manual (ENTSO-E)

523 KB

EIC Short Guide and FAQ (ENTSO-E)

208 KB

Liste des codes

523 KB

High-efficiency cogeneration / Maximum weekly peaks

Article 7 paragraph 3 last subparagraph of the Grand Ducal Regulation of 26 December 2012 states that:

"The remuneration of the power is a function of the participation of the power plant in covering the tariff peaks charged to the national grid. This participation is calculated as the average of the power plant's contributions at the time of the three maximum weekly values identified, reported and recorded during the financial year (half-hourly power) of the system operator holding a concession for the management of a transmission system on 1 January 2012."

Record of the three maximum weekly peaks (semi-hourly basis) for energy from the Amprion lines during the period from 1 January to 31 December 2024:

13.12.2024 10:00 13.12.2024 10:30 705.637,916 kW
19.01.2024 11:30 19.01.2024 12:00 703.973,718 kW
12.01.2024 10:30 12.01.2024 11:00 701.628,101 kW

Relevé des trois pointes hebdomadaires maximales de l'année 2024

37 KB

List of balance managers

The following balance responsible entities have a balance contract in force in the Creos Luxembourg S.A. control area (situation on 7 June 2023). The supplier may also assume the role of Balance Responsible Entity. If the Balance Responsible Entity is a natural or legal person other than the supplier, a joint declaration in accordance with appendix 1 of the balance contract must be signed by both parties. The balance coordinator only publishes the Balance Responsible Entity on the website.


Creos Luxembourg S.A.



ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt GmbH


Axpo Trading AG


Creos Luxembourg S.A.






ENOVOS Luxembourg S.A.






Ørsted Salg & Service A/S


RWE Supply & Trading GmbH


Statkraft Markets GmbH


Steinergy S.A.


SUDenergie S.A.


SUDSTROUM s.à.r.l. et Co s.e.c.s.







Ville de Diekirch


Ville d'Ettelbrück


SUDSTROUM s.à.r.l. et Co s.e.c.s.


Creos Luxembourg S.A.
